CBD is the new Bitcoin
June 6, 2019
CBD Curious?
June 23, 2019We love cats.
We have cats, and we think all cats would benefit from a regular dose of CBD. But getting a cat to stay still for the dropper can sometimes be a bit challenging.
Here’s one solution: stick it in their ear.
We always encourage an under-the-tongue application as the most efficient way to absorb bioavailable CBD, but sometimes your cat just doesn’t want to play that game. (Or any game for that matter.)
However, if you put a few drops of Modern Medicinals Pets on your finger, you can rub that on the inside of a cat’s ear and get the same fast-acting capillary access without wrestling the dropper into an unwilling mouth. You don’t have to stick it all the way in the ear – just far enough to rub the CBD oil on the skin. Then stand back and revel in the side-eye you get from a non-plussed feline.
That’s our pro-tip for the day for all you cat owners – please let us know how it works for you!
-Modern Medicinals