Can I Fly with CBD?
May 30, 2019
How do I give CBD to my cat?
June 20, 2019It seems like you can’t throw a rock without hitting someone trying to sell you something with CBD in it. (We explicitly do not condone the throwing of rocks at these people. You might hit one of us!)
However, the building CBD craze of adding it to everything reminds us of the cryptocurrency mania that gripped the national media last year (and still grips some to this day.)
Did you rush out and buy some Bitcoin after the flurry of articles heralding the New Age of Money? We admit we tried (and failed) to secure one single Bitcoin or Ripple or Ethereum. But some people did, and whether they won or lost (depending on the price fluctuation of the day) you have to admit that everyone knows what Bitcoin is, even if they don’t understand it.
We see a lot of similarities with CBD right now. Lots of articles, lots of mentions, lots of “information”.
But how informative is it really? Ask the average person on the street and they can probably tell you they’ve heard of CBD, but probably can’t tell you why it’s not a great idea to add it to your drink (your body doesn’t absorb it very well that way) or that you probably shouldn’t buy it from a coffee shack on the highway (the quality and effectiveness are probably an issue.)
That’s why it’s important to understand a few things about CBD besides the fact that it’s legal, or that you can add it to your smoothie:
The Source Matters. Was your CBD made from organic Oregon CBD Flower or imported Chinese hemp full of pesticides?
Is your CBD Bioavailable? That’s the only form your body can absorb right away.
How was your CBD processed? Was it extracted using chemical solvents or with a clean, single step method for guaranteed purity?
Can I give CBD to my dog? Absolutely – and here is a handy guide to reference.
These are the questions that these articles should be asking. It’s not enough to say “there’s CBD in it!” and expect to get the right results. Otherwise, we’ve got a couple of Bitcoins we’d looooove to sell you… 😉