What’s in CBD Lotion? Part 2
February 5, 2021
How do I give my cat CBD?
March 31, 2022Can CBD help me sleep?
CBD consultations can cover many sensitive health situations, almost everyone cites a lack of restful sleep. The retail shelves are packed with sleep-aides. These products hope you will feel something. Like food, caffeine, nicotine, medications and even room temperature, these aides can change the biological balance needed for healthy sleep.
Half of the people over 65 years and one-third of all adults, report sleep dis-satisfaction.
What is Sleep?
The five stages of sleep are Drowsy, Light, Moderate, Deep or Slow Wave and REM (Rapid Eye Movement ). The first four are non-REM stages. REM sleep is about 25% of our sleep total each night. Our healthy sleep is structured by the relative percentages and quality of each type of sleep we get. As we cycle through these stages while we sleep, how much time we spend in each stage also changes.
Chemicals in our blood, neurotransmitters, are responsible for whether we are asleep or awake. As we pass through the five stages of sleep these chemicals act on neurons (nerve cells) which in turn, keep us awake or when blocked by other neurotransmitters, let us fall asleep.
Circadian Rhythm, our 24-hour biological clock controlling the interaction between alertness and sleep, is easily disrupted. Think jet-lag or those that work ever rotating shifts. Unnatural changes in our routine produce unwanted changes in our sleep. Awake when you want to sleep and not drowsy when our schedule demands sleep.
Why does alcohol make you restless during sleep?
One historical aid to sleep is alcohol. A few, or a few-to-many, drinks and most, at some stage of sedation, easily go into a dreamless sleep.
Initially, alcohol activates our brain’s main inhibitory neurotransmitter, GABA, which decreases impulses between neurons. Sleep comes quickly, is calm but without dreams.
When the alcohol is broken down into other compounds by the body during this initial stage of alcohol induced sleep and blood-alcohol levels drop; there is a relative decrease in the calming effects of GABA. The brain activates, causing a rebound arousal. This arousal disrupts the sleep routine and produces fitful, restless sleep, full of fragmented dreaming leading to insomnia.
Where can I find help for my sleep problems?
Those of you that are tired, pun intended, of your current sleep dis-satisfaction, can try some effective, simple changes to your routine, like avoiding nicotine, caffeine or alcohol for a few hours before bedtime. Most health disorders have a sleep deficiency component and can be complex due to age, medication and current lifestyle.
Lack of restorative sleep contributes to fatigue, depression, irritability, sluggish immune system, increased sensitivity to pain and decline in memory function.
Please email info@modern-medicinals.com to schedule a free consultation.