We swear by people who swear by CBD Oil
November 28, 2018
Unnecessary Roughness: the NFL and Opioid Addiction
February 12, 2019What makes CBD oil pure?
There are two basic components that make up CBD oils and tinctures—the cannabidiol compounds and the carrier oil or alcohol.
CBD oil isn’t pressed like avocado, or nut oils. CBD and beneficial terpenes like Limonene, Myrcene, and a-Pinene are extracted from the plant. This is where the concept of purity first rears its head, because not all CBD oil is made using the same parts of the plant or plant types.
Which source material makes the best oil?
There are several ways to extract CBD, and several different parts of the plant, as well as plant types, that CBD can come from.
Industrial Hemp Stalks and Hemp Seeds – Industrial hemp isn’t cultivated for CBD. Instead, industrial hemp is made for textile production, food, and other industrial applications.
Industrial Hemp Flowers – Some industrial hemp strains contain as much CBD as high-CBD marijuana strains, but are not regulated as stringently for THC as their cannabis counterparts. High-CBD hemp varieties must meet tight federal guidelines and contain less than .03% THC. That eliminates much of the risk of THC inclusion as posed by CBD-strain marijuana plant extracts, which have no restriction on THC content.
Why should you avoid CBD oil made from industrial hemp stalks and seeds?
Some hemp strains are is great at performing a process called phytoremediation—that means that hemp is excellent at detoxifying and cleaning soil.
How do hemp plants detoxify soil? They’re great at accumulating even trace heavy metals and toxins, pulling them up through their root system and storing them in proteins and extracellular fluids. Over 90% of the CBDA in a plant is found on the “hairs” (trichomes) on the maturing flower–outside of the plant.
The stalks, stems and leaves of the hemp plant contain on average significantly fewer CBD molecules than the flower of a CBD-specific strain of marijuana. What does that mean for the products made from hemp stalk-sourced CBD? It means that much more bulk hemp product is required with stalk, root and leaf. CBD extraction which significantly increases the chance of heavy metal contamination.
Use CBD oil made from Oregon CBD flower instead.
What’s the largest benefit of CBD oil made from mature flower? You’re getting CBD processed from the most potent part of the plant, and that means it takes much less bulk product to extract a much higher amount of CBD, and thus greatly reduces the opportunity for heavy metal contamination.
We live and work in Portland, Oregon. Healthy organic consciousness is in the DNA of our city.
If there’s a choice to be made, our fair city will choose the healthiest route possible. That’s why our CBD oils and tinctures use Oregon CBD Flower.
We’ve covered the major benefits of choosing flower-extracted CBD instead of stalk-derived CBD oil, but what makes Oregon CBD Flower so great? In addition to being a high CBD strain, our Oregon state grown CBD Flower is certified organic.
What else sets our Portland, OR produced bioavailable CBD oil apart?
Bioavailability. A bioavailable molecule can be fully synthesized and processed by your body. The Modern Medicinals process provides 100% bioavailable CBD in every single bottle of our oil. That means you’ll get the full dose you’re measuring out, every time.
Fractionated Coconut Oil. Alcohol tinctures are produced under less stringent processing rules since they are not classified as edibles. They also taste terrible and you can’t use them topically. Different companies use different oils, and if you search you’ll find olive, avocado, nut, and other oil types with equally short shelf life properties. When using an oil carrier the product must be manufactured under the food safety regulations for edibles.
We use fractionated coconut oil. Why? Fractionated coconut oil contains healthy fats and Terpenes. In addition, it does not trigger nut allergies in those that are sensitive; stays liquid at room temperature; and on top of that, it does not spoil at room temps if stored away from direct sunlight.
You don’t have to travel to find the purest CBD oil around.
Order Portland’s favorite pure CBD oil today, and discover the difference for yourself.
Everyone deserves to feel their best!